Electronics and Communication Engineering-Vision Mission


Electronics and Communication Engineering Diploma Course is recognized by the society at large as a full- fledged department, offering quality higher education and fulfil the needs of the stakeholders and staying in tune with the advancing technological revolution and cultural changes.

The department excel to develop high quality, technically complaint, confident in the Electronics and communication engineering field with research focus on Electronic devices, circuits, VLSI, Embedded system, wireless, digital, data and fibre optic, satellite and mobile communications and prepare students to find employment as technician engaged in the service and repair of equipment such as LED,LCD television, and other telecommunication systems.


To achieve the vision, the department will

 Establish a unique learning environment to enable the students to face the challenges in Electronics and Communication Engineering field.

   Promote the establishment of centres of excellence to nurture the spirit of innovation and creativity among faculty and students.

 Provide ethical and value-based education by promoting activities addressing the societal needs.

 Enable students to develop skills to solve complex technological problems and provide a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities.

 To keep abreast with latest technological innovations to enhance the R and D activities.

 To adopt the best educational methods to improve teaching learning process continuously.

 To promote industry-institute and institute-institute linkages for sustainable development of academic, research, training and placement activities.