Computer Engineering-Vision Mission


The Department will be the center of Excellence in Training and Research in the areas of Computer Science and Engineering to meet the present and future needs of society with human face.

To produce globally proficient, innovative and socially responsible computing professionals.

To contribute to the society through excellence in scientific and knowledge-based education utilizing the potential of computer science and engineering with a deep passion for wisdom, culture and values.


• The Mission of the department is to train the students in latest technologies, achieve best standards in theoretical and practical and aspects apart from involving them in live projects in collaboration with industry to develop indigenous and appropriate technologies at low cost to help the rural people

• To provide quality education to meet the need of profession and society.

• Provide a learning ambience to enhance innovations, problem solving skills, leadership qualities, team-spirit and ethical responsibilities.

• Provide this education to solve real world problems thus amplifying their potential for lifelong high quality careers and give them a competitive advantage. In the ever changing and challenging global work environment.

• To develop awareness about emerging trends through self initiative.

• Provide exposure of latest tools and technologies in the area of engineering and technology.

• Producing competent computer engineers with a strong background in the latest trends and technology to achieve academic excellence and to