Basic Engineering-Vision Mission

With the concept of Global village after liberalization and globalization, our country India has become one of the most sought after destinations by many multinational companies for investment. The rapid growth in various fields of Engineering and Technology like Information Technology, Automobile Engineering, Infrastructure Development etc., demands much needed Human Resources. The growth of various Industries demand qualified technicians at different categories. The diploma level Education of Engineering and Technology offered by the various polytechnic college cater these technicians needs of the industries. Every polytechnic college offering diploma programmes in many fields of engineering like mechanical, electrical, civil, electronics, Computer Engineering etc., for all branches of study, the first year curriculum is common. The syllabus provides the necessary bridge between the school education and engineering education which the students pursue from their second year of study. For successful completion of engineering diploma with flying colours, a thorough knowledge of basics is very much essential. The engineering physics I and II provides necessary basic ideas and concepts in a lucid manner. Real life applications and practical examples are included, wherever required. The students should give due importance in understanding the various basic concepts with which only they can shine in their career rather than reading them by heart.



To equip students with excellent learning skills in basic science and engineering which will enable them to implement and apply the technologies in the competitive world in a professional and ethical manner.



• To provide a quality learning environment to enhance the basic science and engineering skills of the students.

• To update the knowledge and skills of the teaching and non- teaching staff through various training and quality improvement program.

• To adopt latest teaching-learning techniques to cater all levels of learners.

• To provide sound knowledge in basic science and engineering through adequate and updated facilities.